Lodestone Training and Consulting
Lodestone Training and Consulting
Season 8 Episode 6: Prepare Like an ODA Conference Review
Jared and Abby talk about the recent Prepare Like an ODA Conference. They go over the outline of the conference and talk about some of the most important takeaways and highlights of the day.
They also talk about some upcoming classes that are related to, and outgrowths of, the ideas and procedures presented in the conference.
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Lodestone Training and Consulting
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Jared - @ltac_zulu
Flynn - @sek_ltac
'Light' Chris - @ltac_whiskey
Abby - @ltac_six
Kirk - @basil_fnfal
Ozz - @ltac_ozz
Micah - @ltac_micah
Mike - @bluemountainbushcraft